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AT-NCIGT - The National Center for Advanced Technologies for Image Guided Therapy

Frank Preiswerk, PhD Was Awarded the Young Investigator Cum Laude Award of the ISMRM

Frank Preiswerk, PhD honored with the Young Investigator Cum Laude Award of the ISMRM for his pioneering work on “Hybrid MRI-Ultrasound Acquisitions, and Scannerless Real-Time Imaging”. He is a postdoctoral fellow at the National Center for Image Guided Therapy, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, in the Advanced Lab for MRI and Acoustics. Each year, the Young Investigator Awards recognize outstanding research by trainees and junior members of the ISMRM. The award ceremony took place at this year’s ISMRM annual meeting in Honolulu, HI, in April 2017.

In the future, Frank, together with his mentor Bruno Madore, PhD and team, will investigate the use of their hybrid MRI and ultrasound platform in a number of promising applications, including MR-thermometry for high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatments, cardiac MRI and multi-modality image registration and fusion.

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